Election Management
- Election Management
- Ballots
- Ballot Record Report, Federal
- Ballot Record Report, August 2018
- OATH, Certificate of Number of Ballots Delivered to Electoral Board (SBE-618(1)).docx
- OATH, Certificate of Number of Ballots Delivered to Electoral Board Town Elections Only (SBE618(1)-T).docx
- OATH, Certificate of Number of Ballots Received from Printer (SBE-618(2)).docx
- OATH, Certificate of Number of Ballots Received from Printer Town Elections Only SBE 618(2)-T.docx
- OATH, Receipt for Ballots (SBE-621).docx
- OATH, Receipt for Ballots, Town Elections Only (SBE-621(T)).docx
- OATH, Statement of Electoral Board Representative (SBE-617).docx
- OATH, Statement of Electoral Board Representative Who Witnessed the Affixing of Seal on Ballots (SBE-619(1)).docx
- OATH, Statement of Person, Affixing of Seal and Packaging Ballots (SBE-619 (2)).docx
- OATH, Statement of Printer (SBE-616).docx
- OATH, Statement of Printer Town Elections Only (SBE616(T)).docx
- SBE Ballot Standards
- Ballot Standards Waiver Request
- Ballots
- NEW Section! Enhanced Results Training Materials
Note: These items, along with Election Night and Post-Election Quick Guides with screenshots can be found in ELECT’s Learning Management System (LMS) > My Courses > Course: June 2024 Enhanced Results Training Materials. LMS-Access-for-General-Registrars
- Canvass Documents
- 00-ELECT-Advisory-June-2024-Election-Night-and-Post-Election-Process
- 01-ELECT-Advisory-Juneteenth-Holiday-2024-(3-15-24)
- 02-Circuit-Court-Clerks-Guidance
- 03-ELECT-Advisory-Election-Night-Requirements-Reminder
- 04-What-to-do-with-your-numbers-How-To-Supplement
- 05-What-to-do-with-your-numbers-Checklists
- 06(R)-Same-Day-Registration-Processes-and-Procedures-REDACTED
- 07-ELECT-Advisory-SDR-Incomplete-Applications-and-Duplicate-Report
- 08-ELECT-Guidance-Election-Night-and-Post-Election-Reporting-and-CAP
- 09-ELECT-Guidance-AB-After-Election-Requirements
- 10-ELECT-Guidance-Provisional-Ballot-Logs
- 11-Election-Results-Certification-Checklist-ELECT-103(A)-FILLABLE
- Abstract of Votes Submission Formsite form - last page screenshots
- ELECT-668 Paper Ballot Reconciliation.docx
- ELECT-675 - Write In Certification and Continuation
- ELECT-673(B)-Form for Write-in Refusal
- Shared Towns One Pager
- Canvass Documents
Note: Items 1 through 11 can be found in ELECT’s Learning Management System (LMS) > My Courses > Course: June 2024 Election Night and Post-Election Process. LMS-Access-for-General-Registrars
- Certificate of Election, Local
- Election Day Instructions and Forms
- ELECT-103EDG - Election Day Guide
- ELECT-103CAP - Election Day Guide
- ELECT 15512 - HAVA Complaint Form
- ELECT-15512-Management-Voter-Complaint-Form-SPN.docx
- ELECT-612.1AB Notice of Withdrawal AB Slips Template.docx
- ELECT-612.1P Notice of Withdrawal Poster Template.docx
- ELECT-643ID - ID Confirmation Statement with Specs.pdf
- ELECT-643ID-ML1-ID-Confirmation-Statement.pdf (Sp)
- ELECT-643ID-ML2-ID-Confirmation-Statement.pdf (Sp, Kor, Vie)
- ELECT-649 Request-For-Assistance-Inside Polling Place (Korean) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- ELECT-651-Management-Affirmation-of-Eligibility.docx
- Virginia's Guide to Hand-Counting Ballots
- ELECT-Management-Incident-Report.docx
- HAVA Administrative Complaint Procedure final.docx
- List of Institutions of Higher Education.xlsx
- SBE-611.1 - Officer of Election Election Day Oath
- Paper Pollbook Instructions
- Pollbook Count Sheet 1 - 1000 (SBE-643 PBC)
- Pollbook Count Sheet 1001 - 1500 (SBE-643 Pages 5-6)
- Pollbook Count Sheet 1501 - 2000 (SBE-643 Pages 7-8)
- Provisional Votes Pollbook (SBE-653p).docx
- What Ifs
- 06(R)-Same-Day-Registration-Processes-and-Procedures-REDACTED
- Envelopes and Labels
- ELECT-659_668-Management-Checklist-Certification-of-Materials-Used-in-Election.docx
- ELECT-Management-Officer-Certification-Reuse-Empty-Provisional-Votes-Envelope1A.docx
- Officer certification for Unused Envelopes, SBE-Empty Envelope Certification.docx
- SBE Envelopes 3_5 Combined (Counted Ballots and Outside Polls Envelopes).doc
- (Artwork found in Print Ready)
- Primary
- Provisional
- ELECT-653B Provisional Voter Notice (Korean) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- HAVA Provisional Voter Notice (Korean) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Provisional Ballot Log (Word Version)
- Provisional Envelope (Template Version) Provisional Envelope Korean Provisional Envelope Spanish Provisional Envelope Vietnamese
- 10-ELECT-Guidance-Provisional-Ballot-Logs
- Representatives and Observers