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2022 Registration Statistics

December Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Monthly Pre-Registration Count by Locality PDF  |  CSV

November Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Monthly Pre-Registration Count by Locality PDF  |  CSV

October Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  | CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates  PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  | CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Monthly Pre-Registration Count by Locality PDF  |  CSV

September Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  | CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  | CSV 
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Monthly Pre-Registration Count by Locality  PDF | CSV

August Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV

July Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate  PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  | CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super  PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  | CSV 
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality  PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  | CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  | CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV

June Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF|  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF|  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF | CSV 
  • Town Statistics PDF | CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF| CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV

May Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF | CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF|  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  | CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF | CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV

April Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV

March Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDFCSV

February Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV

January Statistics

  • Registrant Counts By District Type Congressional PDFCSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type State Senate PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type House of Delegates PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Super PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Election PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By District Type Town PDF  |  CSV
  • Town Statistics PDF  |  CSV
  • Registrant Counts By Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • NVRA Statistics Report PDF  |  CSV
  • Net New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Age/Gender PDF  |  CSV
  • New Registrants by Locality PDF  |  CSV
  • Locality Statistics PDF  |  CSV