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Referendum Committees

Any organization (including 501 (c)(3), (c)(4) and (c)(6) organizations), person, group of persons, candidate campaign committee, or political committee that makes expenditures in a calendar year in excess of:

  • $10,000 to advocate the passage or defeat of a statewide referendum
  • $5,000 to advocate the passage or defeat of a referendum being held in two or more counties and cities
  • $1,000 to advocate the passage or defeat of a referendum held in a single county or city

are required to submit a Statement of Organization and disclose its financial activity to the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT).

Note: Any advertisement supporting or opposing a referendum on the ballot is exempt from Political Advertisement disclaimer requirements.

Laws and Policies

Basic Reporting Requirements

  • Referendum committees follow the candidate’s reporting schedule
  • E-Filers must file their reports by 5:00 p.m. on the report’s deadline
  • Paper Filers must submit their reports in the required office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline. For paper filers filing with ELECT, paper reports will be considered timely if the report is postmarked on the deadline
  • Additional reports are due within three business days after a committee receives a single contribution $10,000 or more

Reporting Deadlines

Regular Campaign Finance Reporting Forms

Schedule ADirect Contributions over $100
Use to report contributions exceeding $100.
Schedule A Instructions

Schedule BIn-Kind Contributions over $100
Use to report contributions of services rendered or goods whose value exceeds $100.
Schedule B Instructions

Schedule CRebates, Refunds and Interest
Use to report receipts of refunds, rebates interest paid.
Schedule C Instructions

Schedule DItemization of Expenditures
Use to report all expenditures incurred by a committee.
Schedule D Instructions

Schedule EItemization of Loans
Use to report the itemization of all loans received and/or repaid by a committee.
Schedule E Instructions

Schedule FDebts Remaining Unpaid
Use to itemize any outstanding debt that remains outstanding as of the current reporting period.
Schedule F Instructions

Schedule GStatement of Funds
Contributions, receipts, expenditures and loans that have occurred during the reporting cycle.
Schedule G Instructions

Schedule HSummary of Receipts and Disbursements
Contributions, receipts, expenditures and loans that have occurred during the committees duration.
Schedule H Instructions

Schedule ISurplus Funds Paid Out
Use to report the disposition of surplus funds.
Schedule I Instructions