January 9, 2024 General Assembly Special Elections
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Office Title | District | Political Party Descr | Candidate Name | CampaignAddressLine1 | CampaignAddressLine2 | Campaign City | Campaign State | Campaign Zip | Campaign Day Time Phone | Campaign Email | Campaign Website |
Member, House of Delegates | 48 | Republican | Eric J. Phillips | PO Box 57 | Axton | VA | 240540057 | 757-650-3835 | eric@ericphillipsforva.com | www.ericphillipsforva.com | |
Member, House of Delegates | 48 | Democratic | Melody A. "Mel" Cartwright | 713 Jefferson St | Martinsville | VA | 241123937 | 276-732-8910 | meowmel@yahoo.com | ||
Member, Senate of Virginia | 9 | Republican | Tammy Brankley Mulchi | 412 Virginia Ave | Clarksville | VA | 239279201 | 434-738-8230 | mulchi4senate@gmail.com | www.mulchi4senate.com | |
Member, Senate of Virginia | 9 | Democratic | Tina Wyatt Younger | 1406 Irish St | South Boston | VA | 245922604 | 434-446-8366 | wyattyounger@hotmail.com |