Welcome to the Virginia Department of Elections
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Client Services

Trio of people looking over charts and spreadsheetsPursuant to Code of Virginia §§ 24.2-40524.2-40624.2-40724.2-407.1, and 24.2-706, the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) provides, at a reasonable cost to qualified persons or entities, several different lists of those who voted and registered voters. More information on the types of lists available are below.

Information within a list of registered voters provided by the Department of Elections may not be posted, or provided to a third party for posting, on the internet as a list, database, or other similar searchable format.

Data available for sale

    • Registered Voters List (RVL) - a list of all registered voters in a specified jurisdiction, legislative district, election district or statewide.
    • List of Those Who Voted (LTWV) – a list of those persons who voted in a primary, special or general election in a specified jurisdiction, legislative, election district or statewide.
    • Newly Registered Voters List (NRV) – a list of those persons who registered on a selected date in a specified jurisdiction, legislative district, election district or statewide.
    • Monthly Update Subscription (MUS) – a listing of voter-initiated record changes to include additions, changes and deletions of voter registration information but excluding all administrative changes (precinct and district changes) in a one month period in a specified jurisdiction, legislative district, election district or statewide.
    • Vote History List (VHL) – a list of those persons who voted in a primary, special or general election in a specified jurisdiction, legislative, election district or statewide over a four-year time period.
    • Daily Absentee List (DAL) a list of those persons who will receive, or have received, an absentee ballot in a current primary, special or general election in a specified jurisdiction, legislative, election district or statewide
    • Comprehensive Absentee Applicant List (CAAL)Alist of all persons who submitted an absentee ballot application for all current and future elections, including individuals on the permanent absentee list and military and overseas absentee applicants. 

Persons Who Qualify to Obtain Data

  • Virginia and federal courts for jury selection purposes
  • Candidates for election or political party nomination
  • Political party committees or officials
  • Political action committees (PACs) which are currently registered with the ELECT or with the Federal Election Commission
  • Incumbent office holders
  • Non-profit organizations which promote voter participation and voter registration; and
  • Members of the public seeking to promote voter participation and registration by means of a communication or mailing without intimidation or pressure exerted on the recipient (are only eligible to receive a List of Those Who Voted (LTWV).

Data Included

Data can be provided statewide, by district (Congressional, State Senate, House of Delegates, Superward, Election, or Town), by locality or by election district. All data is provided in a comma delimited text file. Specifically, the data sets include the following elements:

  • Registered Voter List (RVL) and Newly Registered Voter List (NRV) – full name, residence address, mailing address, gender, year of birth, registration date, date last registration form received, registration status, locality, precinct, voting districts and voter identification number.
  • List of Those Who Voted (LTWV) – full name, residence address, mailing address, gender, year of birth, registration date, date last registration form received, registration status, locality, precinct, voting districts, voter identification number, election date, election type, and whether the voter voted in-person or absentee.
  • Monthly Update Subscription (MUS) – full name, residence address, mailing address, gender, year of birth, registration date, date last registration form received, registration status, locality, precinct, voting districts, voter identification number, and transaction details (add/remove/change and date of transaction).
  • Vote History List (VHL) – full name, gender, year of birth, registration date, date last registration form received, registration status, locality, precinct, voting districts, voter identification number, election date, election type, and whether the voter voted in-person or absentee. Grouped by election, chronologically.
  • Daily Absentee List (DAL) – full name, residence address, mailing address, locality, precinct, voting districts, voter identification number, election date, voter type, application receipt date, application status, ongoing (application reason), ballot status, ballot status reason, ballot receipt date.
  • Comprehensive Absentee Applicant List (CAAL) – full name, residence address, locality, voting districts, voter identification number, election name, permanent absentee indicator

You can download a Data Directory containing names and descriptions of available data.

NOTE: ELECT is not able to provide any technical support in relation to viewing or using the data.

How to Order


Qualification of the requester to purchase a list must be verified. Upon verification, an invoice is sent to the potential client itemizing the requested data. The process can take up to 10 business days to be completed.

Data contained in the lists provided by Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) is provided by each individual locality within the Commonwealth.  ELECT makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data; however, at times vote history make not be complete statewide for any given election.  ELECT will maintain a list of known missing data elements and provide them below. If there are any known missing data elements, review this list prior to signing your invoice as you may wish to wait until the data issues have been corrected by the listed localities before finalizing your order. (There are no known missing data elements at this time).